Giuliano Forghieri - Artist



“Is she artistic?”
“I think not.”
“That’s one thing to be thankful for!”
Agatha Christie

“I’m a loner, a rebel”
Pee Wee Herman

I was born in Carpi, September 2, 1961.

I started musical studies at age nine. Under the guidance of Mo. Rino Viani, I obtained my “Diploma di Clarinetto” (Clarinet Diploma) at the Conservatorio G.B. Martini in Bologna with the highest votes.

While in school I won first prizes in national and international concourses.

I studied composition and arrangement with Giancarlo Chiaramello and Clark McAlister, of which I became assistant and with whom I started a constant relationship that lasts to this day.

In 1981 I started my teaching career in the Italian public schools, and from 1982 to 2023 I have taught at Scuola Media G. Fassi in Carpi (Istituto Comprensivo Carpi 2).

In the early 90s I started studying computerized musical technologies with an emphasis to educational and performance aspects. I attended training courses of a high specialization level and started computer projects at school, where I ran for many years workshops of music and computer.

In the following years I have been asked to teach courses in computer science and musical computer technologies for students and teachers in many Italian institutions. I have worked on theatrical, laboratory and hypertextual experiences within the school world and have established myself as an expert of computerized musical technologies.

At the same time I started working on transcriptions, revisions, arrangements and engraving of classical music, at school and professionally, starting long-time collaborations with musicians, composers and performers of international rank, and with many Italian institutions and publishing houses in Europe and overseas.

I worked on nine editions of the “Pavarotti & Friends” event, as assistant of arrangers and person in charge of orchestral music.

I edited pieces by the Italian composer Bonifazio Asioli (1769-1832) for the first modern performance, and worked on more than a thousand new editions of music by the greatest composers. I have to my credit a good number of original compositions for various vocal and instrumental ensembles.

I was co-founder of the Nubilaria Clarinet Ensemble, with which I realized several projects (among which two CDs), and for which I wrote many arrangements, transcriptions and original compositions.

Alongside flutist Patrizia Vezzelli I founded the Accademia Musica Insieme Chamber Ensemble, with which I perform regurarly and for which I write arrangements and original compositions. With this ensemble I have realized several projects, among them “Stricarm in d’na parola”, 13 original compositions on lyrics by Cesare Zavattini.

In 2016 I founded the Schubert Trio, with soprano Valentina Galullo and pianist-composer Elena Cattini, with the aim of deepening and broadening the repertoire for such organic.

In 2021 I founded the Beer and Pentatonic duo with singer and keyboardist Marco Benatti, specialized in re-proposition of rock classics and in composition of original songs (with unpublished texts by Marco Benatti, Gaia Forghieri and Daniela Morisi) enriched by improvisation on bass clarinet and chromatic harmonica.

I’ve been very active as professional clarinetist and work regularly with publishing houses in Italy and overseas. My works (compositions and transcriptions) are published by Ut Orpheus in Bologna.

In addition to activities in the field of music, over time I have developed interests and passions in the fields of sport (in particular athletics, cycling and table tennis), nature, landscape and jazz concert photography, birdwatching and vinyl record collecting, becoming from 2017 one of the major Italian contributors to the DiscoGS international database.